Masculine Conversations

Masculine Conversations

Friday, October 31, 2014

Thankfulness Day 15: A final day on the islands

Today was our last day on the islands. Papa, Ems, and I had an early morning coffee and talk at Tim Hortons, and then we all headed out and took a drive to the top of one of the highest points on the islands. The views from there are absolutely amazing!

 Looking South-East toward Havre-aubert

 Augs and Papa then had a mid-morning meeting with a Christian man in the area, followed by Papa, Ibs, and I stopping by to visit another Christian couple. After lunch, Ems and Papa met for an hour with a woman who needs Christ, and said goodbye to a bunch of people they have been ministering to and praying for. Then we took a drive past our old home (above), and hiked up the mountain next to it.

Cliffs by our house

There was an amazing view of the sunset from on top of the mountain, and we spent a while just taking in the

It has been a good day, as we wound down our ministry for this trip and enjoyed some of our old-friend places around the islands. God has definitely blessed our time here, and we are so thankful to Him for using us in this beautiful but needy spot.

As we leave the islands on tomorrow's ferry, we would appreciate your prayers that God would continue His work here, in His way, and in His time.

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