Today was a beautifully warm and sunny day, and I am excited to announce that I collected my first insect of the season! Actually, Emily found it, where it was fossicking about in a parking lot. She and Papa were just returning from an out-trip, so she scooped him up and brought the little scrabbler all the way back home so I could put him in a bag and freeze him for preservation (freezing is known to be one of the most pain free ways to kill insects).
On the subject of insects, I also spotted my first tiger beetle of the season yesterday, but was unable to catch it at the time. It was a six-spotted green tiger beetle, a species with which I have quite an exciting history, given their extreme speed both running and flying, and my many attempts to catch one.
A six spotted tiger beetle, likely plotting a smooth move
With spring moving in fast, I am hoping I may be able to finally nab one of these wily characters!
- Isaac
My thanks to and for the above photos
Yes, Ike, the little scrabbler nearly got away from me several times on the way home... I think I'd better take your example and keep a bug bag handy!